Bolivie (page 1/47)

Montre maintenant: Bolivie - Timbres-Poste (1867 - 2024) - 2305 Timbres-poste.

1867 -1868 Condor

WM: Aucun Modèle: Ramón Estruch. Gravure: Casimiro Mallea. Perforation: Imperforated

[Condor, type A] [Condor, type A2] [Condor, type A3] [Condor, type A4] [Condor, type A5]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1 A 5C - 189 189 - USD  Info
1a* A1 5C - 10,80 21,61 - USD  Info
1b* A2 5C - 10,80 21,61 - USD  Info
2 A3 10C - 324 216 - USD  Info
3 A4 50C - 32,42 43,22 - USD  Info
4 A5 100C - 64,83 135 - USD  Info
1‑4 - 610 583 - USD 
1868 Condor - New Colours

WM: Aucun Modèle: Ramón Estruch. Gravure: Casimiro Mallea. Perforation: Imperforated

[Condor - New Colours, type A7] [Condor - New Colours, type A8] [Condor - New Colours, type A9]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
5 A7 5C - 216 189 - USD  Info
6 A8 50C - 432 324 - USD  Info
7 A9 100C - 216 189 - USD  Info
5‑7 - 864 702 - USD 
1868 Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms

WM: Aucun Gravure: American Bank Note Co., N.Y. Perforation: 12

[Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, type B] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, type B1] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, type B2] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, type B3] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, type B4]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
8 B 5C - 27,01 12,97 - USD  Info
9 B1 10C - 43,22 16,21 - USD  Info
10 B2 50C - 54,02 32,42 - USD  Info
11 B3 100C - 64,83 43,22 - USD  Info
12 B4 500C - 864 864 - USD  Info
8‑12 - 1 053 969 - USD 
1871 Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms

WM: Aucun Gravure: American Bank Note C., N.Y. Perforation: 12

[Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C1] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C2] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C3] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C4]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
13 C 5C - 16,21 8,64 - USD  Info
14 C1 10C - 27,01 12,97 - USD  Info
15 C2 50C - 43,22 32,42 - USD  Info
16 C3 100C - 54,02 43,22 - USD  Info
17 C4 500C - 2 701 2 701 - USD  Info
13‑17 - 2 841 2 798 - USD 
1878 Crest and Book

novembre WM: Aucun Gravure: American Bank Note C., N.Y. Perforation: 12

[Crest and Book, type D] [Crest and Book, type D1] [Crest and Book, type D2] [Crest and Book, type D3]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
18 D 5C - 10,80 2,70 - USD  Info
19 D1 10C - 10,80 2,70 - USD  Info
20 D2 20C - 32,42 6,48 - USD  Info
21 D3 50C - 135 21,61 - USD  Info
18‑21 - 189 33,49 - USD 
1887 Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms

WM: Aucun Gravure: American Bank Note Co., N.Y. Perforation: Rouletted

[Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C5] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C6] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C7] [Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, type C8]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
22 C5 1C - 2,70 2,16 - USD  Info
23 C6 2C - 2,70 2,16 - USD  Info
24 C7 5C - 10,80 4,32 - USD  Info
25 C8 10C - 10,80 4,32 - USD  Info
22‑25 - 27,00 12,96 - USD 
1890 -1891 Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated

WM: Aucun Gravure: American Bank Note Co., N.Y. Perforation: 12

[Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B5] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B6] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B7] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B8] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B9] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B10] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Perforated, type B11]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
26 B5 1C - 2,16 1,08 - USD  Info
27 B6 2C - 5,40 2,70 - USD  Info
28 B7 5C - 5,40 1,08 - USD  Info
29 B8 10C - 12,97 1,62 - USD  Info
30 B9 20C - 21,61 3,24 - USD  Info
31 B10 50C - 10,80 5,40 - USD  Info
32 B11 100C - 16,21 16,21 - USD  Info
26‑32 - 74,55 31,33 - USD 
1893 Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Different Perforation

WM: Aucun Gravure: Litografia Boliviana, La Paz. Perforation: 11

[Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Different Perforation, type B12] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Different Perforation, type B13] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Different Perforation, type B14] [Coat of Arms - Nine Stars below Arms, Different Perforation, type B15]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
33 B12 1C - 6,48 3,24 - USD  Info
34 B13 2C - 6,48 3,24 - USD  Info
35 B14 10C - 21,61 6,48 - USD  Info
36 B15 20C - 86,44 32,42 - USD  Info
33‑36 - 121 45,38 - USD 
1893 Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, Perforated

WM: Aucun Gravure: Litografia Boliviana, La Paz. Perforation: 11

[Coat of Arms - Eleven Stars below Arms, Perforated, type C9]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
37 C9 5C - 8,64 2,16 - USD  Info
1894 Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper

avril WM: Aucun Gravure: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co., London. Perforation: 14-14½

[Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E] [Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E1] [Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E2] [Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E3] [Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E4] [Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E5] [Coat of Arms - New Design, Thin Paper, type E6]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
38 E 1C - 1,62 1,08 - USD  Info
39 E1 2C - 2,70 2,70 - USD  Info
40 E2 5C - 1,62 1,08 - USD  Info
41 E3 10C - 1,62 1,08 - USD  Info
42 E4 20C - 6,48 4,32 - USD  Info
43 E5 50C - 16,21 10,80 - USD  Info
44 E6 100C - 32,42 27,01 - USD  Info
38‑44 - 62,67 48,07 - USD 
1897 As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper

WM: Aucun Gravure: Eudes & Chassepot, Paris. Perforation: 13½ or 11

[As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper, type E7] [As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper, type E8] [As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper, type E9] [As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper, type E10] [As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper, type E11] [As Previous - Paris Print, Different Perforation & Thick Paper, type E13]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
45 E7 1C - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
46 E8 2C - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
47 E9 5C - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
48 E10 10C - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
49 E11 20C - 0,27 0,81 - USD  Info
50 E12 50C - 0,54 1,62 - USD  Info
51 E13 100C - 1,08 4,32 - USD  Info
45‑51 - 2,97 7,83 - USD 


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